Friday, October 29, 2010


  Normally I wouldn't post naughty words on my blog but I thought this marketing campaign was very interesting.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beer Abuse

  As I neared my station tonight, I got up and got in line with the other commuters to wait to get off the train.  I just so happen to look over at an empty seat and see a cooler full of ice and unopened cans of beer sitting there unattended.  I thought maybe it belonged to the person behind me but when I looked at him, he was also looking at the cooler of beers with a surprised look on his face.  Could someone really have left these beers behind?  These ice cold unopened beers were really forgotten?  I'm surprised they weren't already gone from all the tired, thirsty passengers that were still waiting to get home.

Just Wondering...

  This past weekend I had a wonderful meal at Fogo de Chao on LaSalle (thanks to a gift from a friend).  In the front window, they had a fire going and large, dripping portions of meat roasting around the fire.  I wonder if this meat is eventually served to patrons?  or is it unedible after being in the front window so long?  If they don't serve the meat to patrons, do they throw it out?  Just wondering...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weather Report II

   Throughout history, many people and cultures had different rituals that attempted to control rainfall and even the weather in general.  Sacrifices were made, statues were worshipped, etc.  In more modern times, people have come up with different inventions that also attempt to control rain.  China widely practices "cloud seeding", where they launch pellets containing silver iodide into clouds.  Silver iodide is believed to concentrate moisture, thus causing rain.  This was used in the 2008 Beijing Olympics to force clouds to drop their rain before reaching the city. 
   On a day like today in Chicago, I would be more then happy to launch some silver iodide pellets at those dark clouds that are causing all the rain.  Hopefully forcing the clouds to drop their rain over the lake instead of over our heads.  I'm sure many people would agree with me, especially after having their tattered umbrellas end up in the garbage.  I haven't researched the effects that silver iodide has on the environment but it would be nice to think that we could control the clouds, at least until we arrive to work.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Weather Report

 The news this morning said it would be in the upper 70s today, almost reaching previous records.  So far, I think October has been my favorite month for weather in Chicago this year.  We've had very people-friendly weather, not too hot, not too cold.  Just mild, comfortable weather. 
  However, tomorrow there is a prediction for high winds, up to 60mph.  Should be interesting trying to get to and from work by foot....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The enormous spider is located at....

  The Richard H. Driehaus Museum at 40 E. Erie Street, between Wabash and Rush.  I'll be on the look-out for more cool ways Chicago gets dressed up for the holidays.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


  Every morning I watch, along with all the other commuters standing on the train platform, as a fellow commuter pulls into a parking spot, gets out of his SUV, and then proceeds to walk around his car checking all his door handles and tapping on all his windows.  In the silent morning air, everyone can hear the pulling and the tapping.  Seeing this obsessive compulsive behavior, I started thinking about whether I had any obsessive compulsive behaviors.  When I get out of my own car and lock my car doors, I always have to peer through the car window to make sure the doors are locked.  That could be viewed as a little obsessive compulsive.  I also thought of the routines that I go through every day and how I prefer to do some daily activities a certain way, every single day.
  I've read that dogs also feel comfortable in routines.  When taken out of the comfort of a routine and the "expected", some dogs can get anxious and irritable.  Humans seem to need obsessive compulsive behaviors and routines to feel comfortable and to curb anxiety.  Humans seem to need that sense of control in this chaotic world, even if it means pulling on car doors and tapping on car windows in front of a few dozen people.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kardashian in Chicago

  FYI: For those that like to keep up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian will be at Water Tower Place tonight.  She is working with Michael Hill to give away a 22 carat ring to the "world's best couple".  I don't know all the details but I believe couples can sign up online for the competition.

Monday, October 18, 2010


  Hi, I am a Chicagoan and I would like to share what I experience in the city of Chicago on a daily basis.  o.k., I'm technically a suburbanite, but I have spent a majority of the last 10 years in Chicago, first for school and then for my job.  I actually spend more time in a week in Chicago then I do in the suburbs, so therefore I do consider myself a Chicagoan. 
  Every day I see interesting, amazing, and crazy things that happen in Chicago and I would like to share them.  I would like to share my random thoughts, along with my great (and not so great) experiences.  I would also like to keep people informed with what is going on out and about in Chicago.  I hope that both native Chicagoans and those not so familiar with Chicago will enjoy my blog. 
  The first Chicago "happening" I would like to share is an event that took place last Thursday, October 14th, at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura (the Italian Institute of Culture).  It was a presentation about the book, "It Happened In Italy" by Elizabeth Bettina.  She was accompanied by Holocaust/Final Solution survivor, Ursula Korn-Selig.  It was a wonderful presentation about how Italy was able to save 80% of its Jewish population during the Holocaust.  The book shows photos and gives detailed accounts from both Jewish survivors and Italians.  Many Italians risked their lives to help the Jews that fled to Italy during this time.  I'm so glad that we were able to attend this presentation and I would definitely recommend it to others.  The Italian Institute of Culture has many other events and provides many great resources as well, such as Italian language courses.
  Wow, my introduction post was longer then expected.  I do not plan on making my posts this long in the future but I guess I had a lot to say to introduce myself and my purpose.