Monday, November 22, 2010

Weather Report

  The temperature in Chicago today is suppose to reach close to record highs.  Mother nature is giving us a last little taste of warmth before the winter.  As we're trying to enjoy this last mild day of the year (minus the rain), those in Fargo, North Dakota currently have 10 degrees as a high and snow.  Just a preview of what will be in store for Chicago. 


  1. there was a tornado that touched down just west of rockford. several houses were completely leveled. also, a school bus tipped over north of my work. 6 kids were hurt. not sure how badly. the power went out at work too. and we had to go in the basement and close up for about a half hour.

  2. Wow!!! I didn't know about that! Yesterday evening it got really nasty in Chicago and sheets of rain were coming down and the wind was really strong but no tornado warnings. How scary to hear that in Rockford. So much for the warm weather.
